Monthly Archive for March, 2013

Sneaker @ Cosmic Listener 20-05-07

Sometimes you blast yourself back in time by watching old photos or listening to the treasures of your past.
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Tortured Journey.
  Sneaker DJ shifts back
  to warehouz dayz.

A Tortured Journey.

SneakerDJ & the 4 columns of warehouz – the lightz, the heat, the strobe, the sweat.
recorded in bad quality 1st of March 2013 @ “Funkensprung”, Sanitätsstelle, Chemnitz, Germany.
gay partying, ugly mixing, stupid overtalk, first choice selection.
set was longer, but recording failed.
The original of the DAF-DOS track is “Liberty City – If You Really Love Someone (The Murk Groove)” if you prefer it any deeper.