22th-May-15 4-6pm
  La Fete Triste
  on Le Mellotron Radio, Paris, France

Click to listen to http://www.lemellotron.com/!

Les Yeux Orange #041
  NY house podcast by Sneaker DJ

Parisian blog Les Yeux Orange presents a mix of mine. You can just jack and swing with it or you take it as a lesson in the history of house music i.e. Chicago, NY, NJ and even a track from Montreal. On top of all I squeezed in an obscure “off the beaten track” by myself (guess which one!).

Check their regular posts of tracks, reviews, podcast and dates!

Enjoy, folks! And if you dip your croissants into your café catch me playing soon in France!

Keep It Deep – New Jersey house mix
  plus interview (in German)

Direct Link: http://keepitdeep.eu/podcast-sneaker/

Music video, podcasts and plays
  for the Dunkeltier Rising EP/MME4004!

It hit the Clone.nl Disco Charts on #6:

Read more, more, more!

Hipodrome Podcast 016 – Dunkeltier

This is the recording of Dunkeltier’s aka SneakerDJ session at the pre-party for the STRCamp festival in Vilnius, Lithuania in July 2014.

1h mix by Dunkeltier

Dronecast 092 podcast

The Drone 092 podcast by Sneaker

Watch the post, listen to the mix!

Traxx plays Serial Error at
  Plastic People, London

Plastic People
A few weeks ago Traxx - our US-born Dresden homie – played along Mute Records’ Daniel Miller (producer of Depeche Mode, Fad Gadget…) at Plastic People, London.
Read on!

UV Podcast 013
  exclusive shit from the wealth
  of Dresden producers

Beyond my new EP which showcases the funky Italo-Wave-Pop side of my soul I wanted to hop back to the dirt I’m known for. The majority of the mix is exclusive shit from the wealth of Dresden producers.
It’s the vision and revision of my friends and my music – archaic, percussive, slammin’ music. This mix is really born from my social background and the minds of people I respect honestly…


Sneaker @ Cosmic Listener 20-05-07

Sometimes you blast yourself back in time by watching old photos or listening to the treasures of your past.
Continue reading ‘Sneaker @ Cosmic Listener 20-05-07′

Tortured Journey.
  Sneaker DJ shifts back
  to warehouz dayz.

A Tortured Journey.

SneakerDJ & the 4 columns of warehouz – the lightz, the heat, the strobe, the sweat.
recorded in bad quality 1st of March 2013 @ “Funkensprung”, Sanitätsstelle, Chemnitz, Germany.
gay partying, ugly mixing, stupid overtalk, first choice selection.
set was longer, but recording failed.
The original of the DAF-DOS track is “Liberty City – If You Really Love Someone (The Murk Groove)” if you prefer it any deeper.