recording from
  Disco Církev @ Ankali, Prague
2h+ of obscure disco gems

Just before X-mas I was invited for Disco Cirkev at Ankali, arguably the best club in the Czech republic.
Here is the 2:20h recording from this FB-event:
Disco Církev w/ Sneaker, Discobolos, DJ Sen, Sobert Rhythm

I tried to play as much obscure and Canadian electronic Disco as possible. So – on purpose – not exactly the cliché Italo disco. Disco Církev had a very welcoming, open, party-hard, gentle crowd like nowhere else! Thanks to everybody who expressed their appreciation in words after my set. Top-notch sound and monitoring at Ankali. I am still happy for the opportunity. I played mostly from vinyl and edited the recording for the best possible listening pleasure.